Meet My Fur Baby

Happy Saturday everyone! I hope everyone has had a good week and is it just me or did it feel like this week went by super slow?? So thankful that it is the weekend now.

To add to the great Saturday feeling I’m sure we’re all having right now, I thought I’d share some exciting news with you all … I got a cat!!

Ever since I found out I was moving into my apartment, I knew I was going to have to get a lil cat of my own (disclaimer: I LOVE dogs, but I would want my future dog to have way more space and a nice yard to run around in, so a dog is a no-go right now). To say the process of finding the perfect cat for me was difficult would be an understatement. My apartment complex requires that the cat not only be spayed/neutered (which is totally fine), but also be declawed (not totally fine). It was so hard to find a cat who fit all of the characteristics of what I wanted and be declawed already because I wouldn’t want to pay to have my cat declawed since it’s so painful for them.

All of that said, I did end up finding the most wonderful cat for me and her name is Wubbs 🙂

A little bit about her:

  • Approx. 9 years old
  • Manx and domestic shorthair breed (this means she has a nub for a tail which is so stinkin’ cute when she wags it)
  • Tortoiseshell fur
  • The most affectionate, lovey, and also very vocal cat ever

I’ve only had her for a week officially today, but I’m already so in love with her. There are still a few kinks in her behavior to try to work out (she meows like crazy at night while I’m trying to sleep and tries to open my bedroom door haha), but overall she is definitely the cat that was meant to be with me ❤ I hope you all love her as much as I do.

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